Teaching Yoga in 2021
Listening to “Uncomfortable Conversations Podcast Untold Stories of the 3HOKundalini Yoga Community”. This is the era of each one of us becoming our own Guru.
Listening to “Uncomfortable Conversations Podcast Untold Stories of the 3HOKundalini Yoga Community”. This is the era of each one of us becoming our own Guru.
Topic: Yoga Jill Saturday Start Time : Aug 15, 2020 12:34 PM Meeting Recording: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/-PI2doHsx29IZNbS62LiSpYiBJb7aaa8gyNI_vNfykqe37WZXsaN3SA1A5qzUV9m
What a magical place is India. Jill got to enjoy the creme de la creme in India, the guest of Biki Oberoi, the owner of
When we become more aware of ourselves, we become more aware of the world around us. Our energy has healed through the lower chakras, and
The final indication of the kundalini awakening, is a growing sense of purpose. The master of Kundalini Yoga, Yogi Bhajan, called it destiny. When we
Try out a Kundalini Yoga class. This ancient technology was designed to clear out the energetic blocks and stimulate your own healing potential. If you