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Sense of Purpose and Destiny

The final indication of the kundalini awakening, is a growing sense of purpose. The master of Kundalini Yoga, Yogi Bhajan, called it destiny. When we have worked on ourselves to heal our past, when we know the tools to clear the energy in our body on a regular basis, and when we have made a connection to our heart and our Soul, we are ready to “deliver our destiny.”

We can express who we are, and feel our connection to the Divine more and more. We can begin to do what we came here to do.

Maybe that means we become a yoga teacher. Or we write. Or we create art. Or we run a non-profit organization. Or we become a great parent. Or we volunteer in our community. Yogi Bhajan said, “By giving from the heart, we reconnect to that source, elevating our soul and fulfilling our destiny.” It can show up in countless ways, but when we are living out our destiny, we feel a sense of purpose and energy, a willingness to do whatever it takes to be of service and show up with our gifts. And the Universe tends to support us in doing this, giving us opportunities to share what we have learned and experienced. The point of a kundalini awakening isn’t to be able to see people’s aura colors or have esoteric powers, but to show up and be of service to our world. To become who we were meant to be. To live in integrity with our own spirit.

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I have many synchronicities that happen in my life.  Recently a preponderance of such.  What is meaning of this? Girls Latin School: 

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