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Conserving natural resources creating harmony on our planet forever.

Ekotecture is a new paradigm for a healthy world.

Ekotecture is an integrated design system, which allows for environmentally benign co-existence between humans, their needs and the planet.

Ekotecture is defined as the functional integration of architecture, utility engineering and agriculture with the forces of nature (gravity geothermal, solar) within a single building, neighborhood design, eliminating mechanical systems, fuel consumption, maintenance, pollution, and human labor.

Ekotecture will provide state of the art ecological, smart homes in harmony with nature, safeguarding residents by virtue of a floating foundation in the event of any disaster. Utilities, including lights, cooking gas, water, waste management, and food production are integrated into the system. These homes are built with the principles of sacred geometry for balance within living spaces and the environment. In their operation, they will not harm the earth, air, or water.

Today more than ever, the Ekotecture principles for harmonious coexistence between people and the planet are critical when faced with the challenges of Climate Change, Energy, Food and Water security. Ekotecture provides an elegant solution to these pressing challenges through education, design, and construction.

Ekotecture is Lee Porter Butler’s sustainable, green and clean, legacy to humanity. The Ekotecture Integrated Living Systems has the potential to address not only environmental challenges, we face but also address the social and economic challenges of the early 21st Century.

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I flew to Boston on Saturday, October 22, 2022 to be with my Mom, Lenore Gardner Karlin, 104 years old, in a

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